Deliver client work on-time and on-budget with centralised project managment. Get granular about project tasks and subtasks, and set custom fields and tags. Drive profitability with real-time progress reports.
Make on-the-go project adjustments and ensure you’re spending the right time on the right client. Get a real-time view of your financial performance and track against your forecasted budget or time allocation.
Reduce repetitive admin work with in-platform automations, AI assistant, and tool integrations. Give your projects a consistent look and feel with our library of templates and spend more time on what matters.
Keep your team busy and happy
By easily comparing estimated to actual hours to better plan and resource future projects.
Stay on top of client workflow
By centralizing your comms, making information more accessible and onboarding easier.
Drive decisions with data
By quickly uncovering information about budget health or client feedback, and taking action in real time.
Tammy Morales
CEO Starburst Business Solutions