\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// EmailValidation.vue?02319db5","\ndiv\n loading(\n v-if=\"isLoading\"\n is-loading\n )\n\n template(v-else)\n page-header(\n title=\"We'd love to know a bit more about you\"\n :error=\"errorMessage\"\n )\n\n form(@submit.prevent=\"save\")\n .w-login-form__row\n p Heya! We're working on improving some key areas of Teamwork and to ensure we \n | offer the best version for your team, we'd love to know a few things about your \n | organization. As you are an Administrator we thought you may be the best to help us.\n\n .w-login-form__row\n TwSelect(\n v-model=\"model.industryCategory\"\n label=\"Industry category\"\n name=\"industry-category\"\n :options=\"industryCategoryOptions\"\n )\n\n TwSelect(\n v-model=\"model.size\"\n label=\"Company size\"\n name=\"company-size\"\n :options=\"sizeOptions\"\n )\n\n .w-login-form__row\n p We appreciate your help on this,\n br\n | Dan & Peter.\n\n button(type=\"submit\").w-button.w-button--blue\n span.w-button__label Save\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// CompanyInfo.vue?120bf5f2","\ndiv\n loading(\n v-if=\"isLoading\"\n is-loading\n )\n\n template(v-else-if=\"isOnBackupCodesScreen\")\n p.section Setup complete!\n p.section Please write down these backup codes. \n | They allow you to restore access to your account if you \n | lose access to your two-factor authentication codes. You \n | can then enter one of these instead. Note that eaach of these \n | codes can only be used once.\n\n pre.section.backup-codes\n | {{ backupCodesFormatted }}\n\n button(@click=\"$emit('setup-complete')\").w-button.w-button--blue Ok\n\n template(v-else)\n .section(v-if=\"forced\")\n p An administrator has enforced two factor authentication on this site. \n\n p.section Two-factor authentication setup is required to proceed. \n | Please download Google Authenticator app for \n a(href=\"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2&hl=en\") Android \n | or \n a(href=\"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-authenticator/id388497605\") iPhone\n | .\n\n .section(v-if=\"seed\")\n p Enter the provided key into the app: \n b(v-text=\"seed\")\n\n .section(v-else)\n p Scan the barcode with the app:\n\n img.qr(src=\"/launchpad/2fa/login/setup/qr\")\n\n p If you're unable to scan the barcode, you can \n a.seed-button(@click=\"getSeed\") enter the key manually\n | .\n\n p.section After that, enter the 6-digit code that is shown in the app below:\n\n .w-input.code-input\n label(for=\"tfa-code\").w-input__label Authentication code\n input#tfa-code(\n v-model=\"codeModel\"\n autocomplete=\"one-time-code\"\n ).w-input__input\n\n p.error.is-invalid(v-if=\"errorMessage\") Error: {{ errorMessage }}\n\n button(@click=\"setupTfa\").w-button.w-button--blue Verify\n button.w-button.w-button--link(@click=\"$emit('cancel')\") Cancel\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// TfaSetup.vue?8adc4358","\n