This month we’re thrilled to bring you some exciting new features, like the Profitability Report, Financial Budgeting, Resource Scheduling, our new integration with Stripe, and the Automations Engine. Hopefully, you’ll love these new features just as much as we do.
Introducing our new Profitability Report
We’re excited to introduce our new Profitability Report. You can now use Profitability Reports to track the return on investment of your projects and people. Monitor across users, projects, and companies with ease.
You can also view and edit team members' user rates from directly within the report. To use Profitability Reports, go to the Reports area of your site and select the Profitability tab. Profitability Reports are available on the new Scale plan.
Track project progress against your budget with Financial Budgeting
We are delighted to announce that Financial Budgets are now available in Teamwork. You can now set a financial budget for your project and track progress against your budget as you move through your project phases.
Use the insights to ensure you are always tracking accurately to your project budget and avoid over-runs. To use Project Budgets, you must ensure that the Time feature is enabled for a project. Financial Budgeting is available on the new Scale plan.
New Advanced Resource Scheduling
We have made some exciting new changes and improvements to the Resource Scheduler. You can now allocate time and future resources across your team for each project.
You can view and manage user capacity across your projects in a timeline view, and set unavailable time for users for time off, meetings, or sick leave. Advanced Resource Scheduling is available on the new Scale plan.
Introducing our new integration with Stripe
Thanks to Teamwork’s integration with Stripe, you can now save your agents valuable time and speed up customer interactions by enabling the Stripe integration in Teamwork Desk.
Once activated, agents can view customer invoice and subscription data directly on tickets. A Stripe widget will be added to the ticket options sidebar within each ticket.
If the customer email address in Desk matches a customer email address in your connected Stripe account, their invoice and subscription history will be listed with links to the Stripe invoices. Check out this functionality here.
Automations Engine
With our Automations Engine updates, you can streamline processes and keep your projects more organized. The number of times automations on your projects can execute in any given month will depend on your subscription plan.
Automations are available at the project level via the List section of each project. Automations allows you to choose from a gallery of pre-defined automation templates. To enable it, simply hover over a template and click ‘Use Template’. Learn more.
If you’re interested in using Financial Budgets, Profitability Reports, or the Advanced Resource Scheduler, they’re all part of our new Scale plan. If you want to get access or learn more, email us at and we're happy to give you and your team a look.
As always, if you’ve any feedback or questions, please leave us a comment below in the comments area or email us at