Introducing’s Utilization Report — An easier way to view and manage your team's resources

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Over the last two months, we’ve put significant focus on building out the reporting functionality in and we’re thrilled to say this is the first of many new reports that will launch this quarter. 

Our new Utilization Report measures your users’ available, logged and estimated time, providing an easier way to manage and track past utilization efforts as well as forecast your team’s time distribution so you can feel certain that your projects are effectively resourced as you plan out your team's workload.  

We understand that tracking your company’s efficiency is paramount to maintain on-budget project delivery. In the current climate, where most of your team is working remotely and you cannot physically oversee the hours your workforce puts in, we get that you need to ensure that your team is resourced effectively to avoid burnout.

The Utilization Report presents an at-glance view into your team’s workload. This lets you identify those who are over capacity and those who could take on additional work — ultimately letting you meet project deadlines.

How does it work?

The utilization report is very powerful and it's incredibly helpful throughout all stages of a project’s life-cycle — from project planning to monthly and quarterly reporting. 

Your main objectives for each project would normally be to ensure your project is delivered both on time and on budget. This report gives you the visibility of the estimated utilization of your resources for any given week, month or quarter through a RAG system that quickly identifies who is under-utilized (Red), over-utilized (Amber) or efficiently utilized (Green).  Quickly see how your team is resourced and what changes and reassignments of workload are needed to meet deadlines.

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By viewing users actual utilization — which is calculated based on a user's total logged time on their assigned tasks within the selected date range, divided by their available hours — you get an in-depth understanding from their historic reporting on how their resources performed against their estimated utilization in the past. Easily use this report to inform your future estimations.  

The actual utilization data also allows you to drill down further to see what unavailable time is logged against a specific user. It also gives oversight of the users logged time including what was billable and non-billable.

With this report you can easily reorder the columns in your table by simply dragging and dropping them, so you can view your data in a way that is meaningful to you. Additionally, you can disable irrelevant columns and quickly sort your report by filtering from each column header.

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Together, all this functionality gives you access to the information you need to effectively resource and reassign tasks as needed to your team without having to individually monitor their outputs. It’s time to meet project deadlines on budget with a well-utilized team.

Although this new report is currently in BETA, it’s available to all administrators on Grow and Scale plans. If you are not on the above plans and would like to avail of the Utilization Report, you can trial the Grow Plan through the Utilization tab in your account. 

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If you need more information on how to access and use this report, view our help doc and as always, we'd love to hear your feedback about the Utilization Report. Please leave a comment below or email us at

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