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Lead to Loyalty: Optimize the Client Lifecycle with HubSpot & Teamwork.com

It’s never been more important for agencies (and the companies you serve) to minimize churn & maximize customer lifetime value.  Optimizing your client lifecycle at every critical stage and getting the most out of your tech stack are crucial steps to accomplish those goals.  

Our recently launched State of Agency Operations Report reveals that 75% of agencies lost clients in H1 2023, while 44% say client expectations have become more challenging this year.  At the same time, 59% of agencies have 4-15 total software tools in their tech stack.

So, how can you get the most out of your growing tech stack to stop the client exodus & reduce churn before it starts?  

In this webinar, you’ll hear from 3 Elite HubSpot Solutions Partners about how they’re leveraging a newly launched integration between HubSpot and Teamwork.com to optimize the entire client lifecycle from brand new lead to loyal raving fan.

You’ll learn:

  • How Elite Partners are using the new HubSpot + Teamwork.com integration

  • How to optimize pipeline management by syncing your CRM and project management tool

  • A simple (but powerful) solution for better Sales to Service team handoffs

  • Timely automations to improve key client experience points (like QBRs and renewal conversations)

  • How to quickly setup and activate Teamwork.com Workflows for HubSpot

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Amber Kemmis

Chief Operating Officer, Instrumental Group

Amber Kemmis

Amber Kemmis is the COO of Instrumental Group, North America - an Elite HubSpot partner. In addition to being a HubSpot veteran, she's a longtime agency leader with a passion for people, processes, psychology, and building operations to support revenue growth.

Alaire Jones

Director of Operations, Salted Stone

Alaire Jones

Alaire Jones has been Director of Operations at Salted Stone, an Elite HubSpot agency, for 4 years now. She is responsible for the entire operational tech-stack at her agency - which includes managing software solutions and ops processes for creatives, developers, client service teams, and more. During her tenure, she has overseen and expanded the adoption footprint of Teamwork and other tools/platforms in her efforts to continuously streamline the "getting work done efficiently" part of agency operations while also paying close attention to the data and reporting aspects that are needed to manage a business.

Christopher Mathieu

Chief Services Officer, New Breed

Christopher Mathieu

Christopher Mathieu is the Chief Services Officer at New Breed, an Elite HubSpot Partner based in Burlington, VT, which helps customers implement the right technology and strategies to unlock meaningful growth. With a background in design, technology, and demand generation, his over two decades of experience allow Chris to be instrumental in shaping the company's strategic direction. He leverages his technical background coupled with years of management experience to help inform decision making. In his current position Chris is responsible for ensuring the seamless delivery of services that drive client success.

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